Over 60 years in existence.
Technology based EPC (Engineering, Procurement,Construction) Company in the field of Process, Water & Environmental Engineering.
In-house R&D, Basic Engineering, Detail Plant Engineering, Product Engineering, Manufacturing, Construction, Plant Operations, enabling Complete Control over the entire Value Chain.
Design & Manufacture a wide range of Process Equipments.
In-depth know-how & understanding of all unit Processes involved, hence able to offer optimized solution for any Complex Process, Water & Environmental problems.
Proven track record of more than 60 years for 100% successfully performing installations.
Paramount Limited has completed over 350 projects world wide for more than 150 clients in different areas of
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Sewage Treatment, Wastewater Recycle & Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD).
- Emission Control & Flue Gas Desulphurization, Hazardous Waste Incinerators etc.
- Raw Water Treatment, Sea Water/ Brackish Water Desalination, Process Water Treatment.
Our ongoing investment in human resources and technology makes us LARGE enough to appreciate any of your challenges and SMALL enough to understand every detailed requirement of your Project. Simply put – “We are SMALL enough to care, BIG enough to deliver.
“Paramount” Limited runs a state of art Laboratory and Research and Development Facility at its Head Office.
- Pre-feasibility and Feasibility studies
- Treatability Studies
- Front end Engineering Studies
- Hydrocarbons
- Chemicals
- Fertilizers
- Water and wastewater treatment
- Air pollution control systems
- Planning and Scheduling
- Procurement
- Contract Management
- Construction Management
- Documents and Drawings Management
- Plant Commissioning & Training
- Initial concept
- Plant commissioning
- Final turn over
- Plant adequacy Studies
- Process Performance Audit
- Air pollution and stack monitoring
- Environment Audit

Contact Us At
Paramount Limited, Paramount Complex, Near Natubhai Circle, Race Course, Vadodara, Gujarat - 390007
Phone Number
Vadodara: +91-0265-2397111,
New Delhi: +91-11-26186525, 26186369
Mumbai: +91-22-24078105
Email Address
Vadodara: sales@paramountlimited.com
New Delhi: delhi@paramountlimited.com
Mumbai: mumbai@paramountlimited.com