Tail Gas Scrubbing System (Alkali Scrubbing Plant) – Hindustan Copper Ltd. – Khetri, Rajasthan
The project scope consisted of Design, Basic and Detailed Engineering, Manufacture & Supply, Complete civil works and Erection & Commissioning and guarantee run of complete Alkali Scrubbing System for tail gases from sulphuric acid plants to achieve the required outlet concentration of SO2 as per norms laid by Rajasthan Pollution Control Board. The system as a whole is completely equipped with necessary instrumentation for safe and smooth operation of the plant.
Scrubbing systems for the two Sulphuric acid plants have a design gas handling capacity of 64,000 Nm3/h and 41,000 Nm3/h along with Alkali regeneration system having a capacity of 35 TPD of SO2 removal.
The Scrubbing system comprises of a Quench, Two stage horizontal baffled scrubber and a ID fan. The Alkali regeneration system comprises of: Lime reactors, Thickener and Vacuum drum filters.

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Paramount Limited, Paramount Complex, Near Natubhai Circle, Race Course, Vadodara, Gujarat - 390007
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