Project Execution & Management

Our Project execution strategy are time tested. Our approach to Project management is extensive and consists of a planned approach as,

• Planning and Scheduling
• Procurement
• Contract Management
• Construction Management
• Documents and Drawings Management
• Plant Commissioning & Training

We ensure our work is carried out in the most cost-effective way without compromising overall project quality.

Planning and Scheduling

Planning and scheduling of a project are of paramount importance and govern the progress of the project towards the goal.

Planning and scheduling, often begin work at the concept stage of a project and map out the steps required to take the project through all its phases, including design, procurement, construction and final turn over.

The use of project planning and scheduling techniques gives better initial planning and assessment of risks. It provides a greater chance of forecasting problem areas while there is still time to take corrective action and it allows flexibility for alternative modes of operation.

Paramount proceeds with a systematic approach by way of preparing a project definition exclusively identified for the project, which outlines the overall scope of work and services. This includes the process and design criteria, engineering and major equipment elements, and physical aspects including logistics, infrastructure etc, of the project. Other processes that may be required are also identified at this stage.

The planning team creates a schedule (macro scheduling and micro scheduling) so the entire operation can run according to a pre-approved timeline. Macro scheduling is used to monitor key milestone performances. Micro scheduling forms a wider framework for monitoring every essential requirement of the project to achieve the final completion within the time frame.

The schedule then forms part of the project documentation, enabling to see a clear, concise graphical representation of all phases and milestones of the projects.

The schedule devised is monitored and updated on a regular basis as the project requires. Variations, if any, from the initial plan are recorded and communicated to the parties involved with appropriate steps and back up plans.


A clear procurement plan always walks hand in hand with a successful project planning. Paramount prepares a comprehensive procurement plan that strategizes how items will be procured (fixed price/ cost plus/ inclusive or exclusive of freight, taxes or other charges) with appropriate target estimate based on previous procurement data bank.

Procurement Strategy – Paramount start with establishing a procurement strategy during the initial stages of a project to minimize risk and control cost over runs at later project stages. The Project strategies are largely taken into consideration with respect to the objectives of a particular project.

Procurement Schedule – The procurement schedule stipulates the key steps associated with each procurement stage, including preparation of material requisitions, prospective vendor listing and offer evaluation.

Document Preparation – The material requisition documents outlines the documentation requirements in line with engineering requirement and project to help reduce the time required for post order engineering activities.

Procurement Management – The procurement plan is periodically monitored to assess the progress of the project schedule. Review of the procurement process is essential so that the process remains completely robust, consistent with the agreed procurement schedule and strategy, and is in accordance with sound commercial and business practices. Paramount can assist in all types of procurement process including the issue of tender/enquiry documentation, receipt and evaluation of offers, the award and preparation of final orders/purchase requisitions and evaluate, expedite and inspect vendor documents and materials.

Expediting – Paramount provides assistance in the follow-up and expediting of contracts and orders so that materials and services are delivered in accordance with the agreed schedule. The ongoing monitoring and review of contract and order progress allow potential problems to be identified and resolved.

Detail list of Procurement services include, but are not limited, to the following:

• Preparation of a Procurement Plan
• Vendor sourcing and prequalification
• Enquiry preparation and issue
• Technical and commercial bid evaluation and appraisal
• Pre-contract meeting negotiation
• Purchase order placement
• Monitoring key milestones for vendor equipment and sub-contract works
• Expediting and progressing
• Amendments to purchase orders
• Receipt and integration of vendor design information with detail engineering
• QAP approval, quality control, Inspection and dispatch clearance
• Co-ordination of Site Acceptance Tests
• Progress and status report
• Logistic support
• Interface with site material control
• Valuation of works and control of stage payments
• Validation of site variations
• Ensure method statements and risk assessments are in place prior to commencement on site
• Ensure suppliers meet obligations in terms of commissioning, documentation etc
• Checking and handling of returns
• Final invoice processing and documentation
• Warranty Management
• Negotiation of claims and final settlement

Contract Management:

Paramount Limited has the technical and commercial experience to manage the full breadth of contract management processes.

Paramount Limited is experienced in managing contracting processes and providing a range of tailored services for each client.

Contracting Execution Methodology – Paramount works in preparing potential contracting strategies right at the initial stage of a project to suit and tailor make to client’s needs and requirement in control of a project. The strategy involves working with all pieces of the project from time schedule, pricing, vendor sourcing and selection and commercial arrangements and agreements and visualize possible risks in each methodology adopted with corrective action philosophies.

Contract Document Preparation – Paramount prepares the necessary documents for each contract package, taking into account the various technical and commercial details for each project. Tender and contract documentation that clearly and accurately defines the scope of work associated with each package can minimize the time required to price, evaluate and award each activity. Well-constructed contract document with detailed scope matrix and interface specifications ensures that all items are covered in the overall scheme of the project leading to seamless interface management amongst various packages within the project.

Contract Management – Paramount offer a proactive management and review of a contract during the progress of a contract to optimize the delivery schedule of the project. Paramount has the technical and commercial knowledge and experience to handle ongoing contract management for a complete life cycle of the contract. We focus on timely, correct and adequate closeout of each contract.

Construction Management:

Paramount successfully delivers projects, often in challenging environments, utilizing local resources wherever possible while being supported by the full range of technical staff from all functional areas including engineering and procurement. Our success is based on the extensive knowledge and experience by way of executing a large number of projects with involvement in the design, engineering, construction and commissioning through a five decade timeframe.

We tailor our services to the size and complexity of the project, aiming to deliver a project that is built and completed as designed, on time and within budget.

During the preliminary design stage, we conduct a ‘constructability review’. This is an investigation that assesses the probable construction techniques required on the project. The review can identify and eliminate potential building/design conflicts long before construction begins, and allows for innovative construction techniques to be developed that may save time and costs. A project may have multiple reviews to monitor the project ongoing.

Once the constructability review is complete, attention is focused on laying the groundwork for the project with effective scheduling, procurement and cost control. The aim is to help the client achieve the right balance between capital cost and ongoing operating and maintenance costs.

Our construction management services, depending on project location and client requirements, include:

• Constructability reviews during the detail engineering phase
• Budget and schedule evaluations
• On-site project safety and quality management
• Value engineering
• Site construction reviews and action plans
• Assessing alternative construction techniques
• Coordinating and review of day to day construction activities
• Quality assurance
• Risk management
• Health and safety
• Man management at site including main contractors and sub-contractors in all disciplines
• Manage storage of equipment and consumables and adopt proper procedure in issue for installation or use
• Management of on-site warehousing and client supplied material
• Management of on-site engineering functions, earthworks, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation

Documents and Drawings Management:

The success of the project largely depends on effective control on the documentation process and procedure. Paramount has an impressive documentation and drawing management methodology to co-ordinate the various requirements and necessities within the project management.

Paramount embarks on a systematic in office and on site modern drawing and documentation management system to keep a close control of all changes and provide rapid access to all latest project related information.

The Quality policy followed by the company are in line with the extensive ISO procedures that are practiced on a day to day affair between the various disciplines within the organization has greatly assisted in maintaining and control of the drawing and document management.

The drawing and document management as stipulated in the company procedures have the following features.

• Continuity in flow and updation of data information
• Strict adherence to control and record distribution of all drawings and documents
• Availability of historical data in a well maintained structure and one point access to all data
• Take ownership for offsite storage of all original documentation (electronic and paper)
• Provision of generic drawing and document numbering system and easy adaptability with clients numbering requirement
• Availability of Controlled documentation to all concerned departments
• Frequent review meetings on project changes and data changes for quicker adaptability with interdisciplinary drawings and documentation
• Convert formats to AutoCAD industry standard

Plant Commissioning & Training:

With the increasing complexity of control systems and the continual focus on production efficiency, operator familiarity and knowledge of processes and process equipment has become an essential part of plant management. Paramount’s five decade experience in construction and commissioning plants in a multitude of industries has provided a vast network of checks and balances to culminate in a smooth commissioning activity.


Delivering a smooth transition of a construction site to a commissioned site is a hall mark of Paramount services. We are adept at ensuring all systems and components of our clients’ infrastructure, plants and equipment are designed, constructed and tested, to ensure all parts will function at an optimum level once operation commences.

We use our knowledge and expertise in applying engineering techniques and processes to check, examine and test every operational component of the project, from a single function right through to a complex combination of functions

We also have experience in commissioning projects that are already in existence but are undergoing an expansion, renovation or are being entirely revamped.

Paramount also offers class room training and hands on training to the operating staff on the plant under commissioning. Training though vital, it is often impractical to train staff within a fully operational plant. Paramount certain ideal solution models in such cases for imparting training to the plant personnel.

Models that simulate plant processes allow operators to be trained for a wide variety of unusual or abnormal operating conditions, which help to strengthen their skills. The models also serve as refresher training facilities for normal plant operations.

Typical models cover plant start-up, shutdown and normal operation, as well as a broad range of adverse or trouble shooting situations that require fast response and accurate control solutions.

Contact Us At


Paramount Limited, Paramount Complex, Near Natubhai Circle, Race Course, Vadodara, Gujarat - 390007

Phone Number

Vadodara: +91-0265-2397111
New Delhi: +91-11-26186525, 26186369
Mumbai: +91-22-24078105

Email Address

New Delhi: